I have wanted to be a Horned Frog since I was in 5th grade.
When I got in, I felt like this.
All of my family are big Horned Frog Fans, even my dogs!
I am a member of Sigma Kappa at TCU and an education major.
I quickly became a huge football fan, even staying up all night for Game Day...
...and driving through my first blizzard to get to LA....
...and waking up at 3:30 in the morning for the Rose Bowl Parade. It was so cold!
Leslie, first thanks for getting your photo essay complete so early in the process. I really enjoyed the selection of images -- esp those evocative ones of the horned frog metal sculpture (does it have a nick name? I've always wondered...) and the fountain. As you begin to work on each week's blog from here on out, aim to capture more of these close up scenes and compositions that pick up on images or themes in our readings. Can't wait to see you on Monday in London!